Sunday, November 16, 2008

Stanley Fish

I know I already linked Stanley Fish's blog site to my site but I have slowly been going through more and more of his material and I find everything I read more and more fascinating.  Fish has an incredible power to find the root of issues in his blog and after my own heart he does it while remaining incredibly ambiguous in motivations.  I find his political commentary informative and entertaining without pushing leftist or rightist agenda.  I have no problem with outwardly political viewpoints however I prefer to keep my own political motivations to myself so Fish's political discourse truly strikes a chord with my beliefs.  The best part of Fish's blog however is the broad range of topics he covers.  He seems to have level headed insight to almost every hot topic in current events.  I suggest everyone do a little navigating and reading of Fish's blog because much of his work pertains directly to some of the coming requirements of the class.   I'll start you out with one of his entries directly relating to English 300.  You could consider it Fish's apology.  Check it out.

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